Don Mills Tournament
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Don Mills TournamentDon Mills TournamentDon Mills TournamentDon Mills TournamentDon Mills TournamentFREDERICTON Open Tournament
Fredericton Open Chess Tournament U-14ABOUT
The Chess Club of Canada
We are a group of individuals united in our passionate belief in the benefits of chess.
We train minds in critical cognitive skills. We are volunteers who enjoy watching children come to realize the power of their minds, first to achieve results onthe chess board, and then subtly in their academic focus, and everyday lives. For adults chess is both an engaging pastime and a way of keeping the mind sharp.
History tells us that chess had its origins around 600 a.d. in what is now India. Chess in its modern form has remained virtually unchanged since the 1400s and maintains its global popularity. Such a history of survival and popularity across time, countries, and cultures speaks volumes about its success both as entertainment and in developing the human mind. We are volunteers dedicated to carrying forward that tradition.